a jury of her peers pdf

The sheriff's wife did not reply. he said; and, having delivered himself of this, he followed the others through the stair door. Mrs. Hale's hand went out to the bird-cage. Again, for one brief moment, the two women's eyes found one another. And so I said: 'I want to see John.'. 'Yes,' says she, 'he's home.' The sheriff too looked all around, as if to re-convince himself. ', "'He died of a rope round his neck,' says she; and just went on pleatin' at her apron.". <> Consider that Mrs. Hale compares herself to Minnie here. After a moment he drew his hand away sticky. He killed that too." Peters? The “other thing in Mrs. Peters’ eyes” is a quality Mrs. Hale noted previously: “her eyes looked as if they could see a long way into things.” While Mrs. Peters is introduced as a meek personality, her remarkable perceptiveness reveals itself more and more. "But what do you s'pose went wrong with it? As he asked it he took out a note-book and pencil. ", "Mr. Peters says—." context of 'Trifles' and 'A Jury of Her Peers' are trapped by a social system that may lead them to crime and then punish them when they are forced to commit it" (Alkalay-Gut 72). The sheriff followed the county attorney into the other room. The Impact of the First Female Jurors on Criminal Convictions. Her eye was held by a bucket of sugar on a low shelf. "As if that could have anything to do with—with—My, wouldn't they laugh? Ironically, it is precisely the women’s attention to seemingly small details that has given them a better understanding what happened than the men. 'Has anybody been notified?' A Jury of Her Peers by Susan Glaspell. "'Why—where is he?' Throughout the story, Mrs. Peters is reluctant to take Minnie’s side against the law. Mrs. Peters stood holding to the table. "All the rest of them have been so nice and even—but—this one. But next moment she moved, and said in her thin, indecisive way: "Well, I must get those clothes wrapped. I got a feeling that I ought to make some conversation, so I said I had come in to see if John wanted to put in a telephone; and at that she started to laugh, and then she stopped and looked at me—scared.". It is this situation of the double-edged sword which the women of the play identify. ", The county attorney did not heed her. RAND's publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of its research clients and sponsors. When they brought her to our house yesterday, my cat got in the room, and she was real upset and asked me to take it out.". And then she did it. Mr. Hale’s “impatient” command also comes directly after emphasizing that, “[Mrs.Hale] dropped everything where it was,” immediately after the sheriff asked her to come along. Once again, the typical investigatory frameworks fall short: a theme throughout the story. she cried. "Of course we don't know who killed the bird.". And kind of—done up. He moved toward the door into the front room, and said to the county attorney: "I just want you to come in here a minute, George. Why had that work been left half done? Then they sat without speaking or moving. The women did not speak, did not unbend. Mrs. Wright’s years spent struggling with a broken oven is merely a metaphor for the years she spent struggling in a broken marriage. Unlike the county attorney and sheriff who laugh at the women for worrying over the fruit, the two women recognize the tragedy in ruined preserves. Mrs. Hale empathizes with Minnie because she too was “interrupted” from her housework and forced to leave things undone. We'll not feel them when we go out.". I tell you, it's queer, Mrs. Peters. "Well, you mustn't reproach yourself," counseled Mrs. Peters. "She just nodded her head, not getting a bit excited, but rockin' back and forth. Related Topics: … The narrator puts quotation marks around this phrase when she repeats it in order to point out its colloquial nature and signal that Mrs. Hale speaks in a particular country dialect. With another little laugh, he turned away, saying: "No; Mrs. Peters doesn't need supervising. Our library is the biggest of these that have literally hundreds of thousands of different products represented. 'Then why can't I see him?' "Dirty towels! Like the oven, the household is broken, its lining—the relationship between Mr. and Mrs. Wright—irrevocably torn. Time and time again it had been in her mind, "I ought to go over and see Minnie Foster"—she still thought of her as Minnie Foster, though for twenty years she had been Mrs. Wright. So Harry went fast as he could over to High Road—the Rivers' place, where there's a telephone.". The attorney got his pencil in his hand all ready for writing. Holding this block made her feel queer, as if the distracted thoughts of the woman who had perhaps turned to it to try and quiet herself were communicating themselves to her. This is a strange moment in the story. While the women pay attention to details, the men are “brisk” and unable to look past their own perspectives. asked the sheriff's wife, startled. "There was a gun in the house. One hinge has been pulled apart. The word, however, is much more often used to mean “driven insane.” Thus, the phrase not only carries connotations of mental instability, but also of men driving women to such a state. In this context, Mr. Hale probably uses the word to say that Minnie was playing with or picking at her apron. Without a motive, the county attorney notes that it is likely that Minnie will not be found guilty. the county attorney reminded. "Wright was close!" Soon Harry got back, and then Dr. Lloyd came, and you, Mr. Peters, and so I guess that's all I know that you don't.". She took the small gray shawl from behind the door leading upstairs, and stood a minute looking at it. "'Who did this, Mrs. The county attorney’s comment again belittles the women, suggesting that they are only concerned with domestic “pleasantries” like sewing. She dashed her hand across her eyes. "No, it's strange," breathed Mrs. Peters. 0000001302 00000 n ", "But, Mrs. Hale," said the sheriff's wife, "the law is the law.". As such, the telephone was still a rather exciting invention, and was now affordable for many. Slowly, unwillingly, Mrs. Peters turned her head until her eyes met the eyes of the other woman. ", She set the bottle on the table, and, with another sigh, started to sit down in the rocker.

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