nietzsche quotes morality

This type of morality, however, is not as widespread as the “slave morality” that has been adopted by so many religions. While Hume and Nietzsche both try to speak to this problem, their accounts differ in their approaches. Nietzsche’s understanding of spontaneous emotion, daily habit, good, bad, and whatever lies in between, adds to our knowledge of ethics and propels our inquiry into the universality of moral and ethical action by scrutinizing our psychological temperament towards these ideas. How much, at least, it is meant to conceal! Aphorisms should be peaks: and those to whom they are spoken, big and tall.”, “There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.”, “Of all that is written, I love only what a man has written with his own blood.”, “What then is truth? Christianity is a system, a whole view of things thought out together. He transferred to the Universität Leipzig, where he studied linguistics, philosophy, and history. Rather prove that he did you some good.” – Friedrich Nietzsche, “There is an old illusion. from Nietzsche's Thus spoke Zarathustra, p.3,4,5, Walter Kaufmann transl. As far as he was taught, especially in graduate school, Nietzsche was a moral skeptic denying there were moral facts at all. It depends on many factors - ranging from genetics and neurobiology to sociology and economics. I once asked. Topics: Guilt, Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morality Pages: 7 (2185 words) Published: May 23, 2006. But there is also always some reason in madness.” – Friedrich Nietzsche, “He who cannot give anything away cannot feel anything either.” – Friedrich Nietzsche, “We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving.” – Friedrich Nietzsche, “When marrying, ask yourself this question: Do you believe that you will be able to converse well with this person into your old age? The moral law, according to Kant, is derivable from our own rational faculties and, not surprisingly, God's ten commandments can be found along with other maxims in our rationality. It is my one form of continuous fiction. While every noble morality develops from a triumphant affirmation of itself, slave morality from the outset says No to what is "outside," what is "different," what is "not itself"; and this No is its creative deed. 16, 1888. And you yourself are the will to power – and nothing else!” – Friedrich Nietzsche, “I assess the power of a will by how much resistance, pain, torture it endures and knows how to turn to its advantage.” – Friedrich Nietzsche, “The architect represents neither a Dionysian nor an Apollinian condition: here it is the mighty act of will, the will which moves mountains, the intoxication of the strong will, which demands artistic expression. Last Updated on December 11, 2019. It may never admit what it is and what it wants! That every will must consider every other will its equal — would be a principle hostile to life, an agent of the dissolution and destruction of man, an attempt to assassinate the future of man, a sign of weariness, a secret path to nothingness. One of these atheists is J.L. He suffered from a condition called myopia, which caused frequent headaches, so he had to wear glasses as a child. Every day we present the best quotes! In “First Essay: ‘Good and Evil’, ‘Good and Bad,’” which is part of the work On the Genealogy of Morality, Nietzsche outlines the two types of morality--aristocratic and slave--and describes the eventual overtaking of aristocratic morality by slave morality through the “slaves revolt.” Nietzsche claims that master morality came first, with its defining characteristics being the morality of the masters, nobles, and warriors who saw themselves and their actions as good, thus causing those characteristics associated with them to be viewed as good and the opposite of these to be considered bad. To be ashamed of one's immorality: that is a step on the staircase at whose end one is also ashamed of one's morality. “Twilight of the Idols”, p.58, Friedrich Nietzsche, Gary Shapiro, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1989). You are expected to trace the sequence Nietzsche presents in … With this said, they declare the masters as evil and call themselves good. Known for his critical writings on religion and morality in modern society, the German philosopher exerted significant influence on future generations of writers and thinkers. The world is a representation or, in other words, a fiction created from a specific point of view, and not a final truth. Discover Friedrich Nietzsche quotes about morality. Friedrich Nietzsche > Quotes > Quotable Quote “Morality is just a fiction used by the herd of inferior human beings to hold back the few superior men.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche Although this logic seems to be valid, there is not such a clear divide between the masters and the slaves. Discuss the emergence of guilt in light of Nietzsche's analysis in the genealogy. Without the errors which lie in the assumption of morality, man would have remained an animal. We humans are – more humane.” – Friedrich Nietzsche, “One of the most important aspects of Nietzsche’s work was his critique of truth as opposed to perspectivism. Nietzsche studied theology and philosophy at the University of Bonn in hopes of becoming a priest like his father. This testifies to its caution. Please join StudyMode to read the full document.

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