sperm whale diet

Often frontal systems such as the subtropical and sub-Antarctic convergences serve as boundaries to the distribution of cephalopod species (Clarke, 1980; Voss, 1985; Rodhouse et al., 1992; Dunning, 1993). Female sperm whales range large distances of at least 600 × 600 nautical miles from equatorial waters to around 40°S (Rice, 1989; Jaquet et al., 2000). Fish remains were found in 50% of males in this study in comparison to only 10% of females, and may be indicative of differences in foraging habitats between sexes as suggested in other studies (Clarke et al., 1988). They have small dorsal fins that are low, thick, and usually rounded. They are believed to be the result of squid that attack when they are going to be eaten. Because of small sample sizes, immature animals and males were excluded from the data set.

The Southern Ocean's unknown quantity, Fine-scale distribution of juvenile cephalopods in the Scotia Sea and adaptive allometry of the brachial crown, Cephalopod prey of the grey-headed albatross, Early life cycle of cephalopods in relation to the major oceanographic features of the southwest Atlantic Ocean, The food and feeding habits of the sperm whales (, Journal of the Council for International Exploration of the Sea, FAO Species Catalogue 3. It has been estimated that in the Southern Ocean alone, some 34 million tonnes of cephalopods are consumed by vertebrate predators annually and nearly 12 million tonnes of this specifically by sperm whales (Clarke, 1983; Rodhouse, 1989). Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Trudy Instituta okeanologii. for this article. Stomach samples from these animals provided a unique opportunity to compare diet of individuals between and among sperm whale groups and also across a range of age classes. Direction, ontogeny, and mechanism of the temperature-size rule operating in a large marine crab, About the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icesjms.2004.07.026, GIS of squid distribution in the Southern Ocean, 2001, http://www.nerc-bas.ac.uk/public/mlsd/squid-atlas/, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic. Percentage abundance of cephalopod species identified by similarity percentages (SIMPER) contributing to cephalopod species composition differences between sperm whales from STR1 and STR2 and between female and male sperm whales (cut off for low contributions: 50%). and The Sperm Whale's diet consists almost exclusively of cephalopods (squid and octopus), especially the deep water and ocean bed species. Application to analysing the diet of marine vertebrate predators, Scientific Reports of the Whales Research Institute, New data on the distribution of squids, Family Ommastrephidae in the world ocean, Description of mature males of the Histioteuthid cephalopod, Observations on the diving behaviour of the sperm whale.

Miller, P. J. O. Subsequent analyses were therefore not restricted to those samples within individual sampling groups. The numerical abundance and percentage wet weight of species on the basis of ecotypes varied between stranding sites, sexes, and age groups. and Total dorsal length and age of sperm whales sampled from two mass strandings (excluding foetuses), Tasmania, Australia. Percentage abundance by number (%N) and by estimated wet weight (%W) of cephalopod species ecotype groups for (a) stranding, (b) sex, and (c) age groups. They have been recorded at depths exceeding a kilometre and can stay submerged for up to 90 minutes. Peter, Madsen T. Giménez, Joan Evidence of at least eight species of fish and 22 species of cephalopod was found, together with an assortment of foreign bodies including rock fragments and fishing nets. Given that the samples studied here represent only a few days to at most a few weeks of prey consumed, the amount of these commercial species consumed by sperm whales far exceeds that of the current fishery operations in the area. While fragments of flesh occurred in 97% of all samples, these were in varying stages of decomposition and at least some consisted of partially decomposed gastro-intestinal lining. Among those beaks within the family Histioteuthidae that could not be resolved to the species level, beaks were separated into those of Types A and B (as per Clarke, 1986) and where possible classified into species groups as described by Clarke (1980, 1986). 2015. Teloni, Valeria Some features of this site may not work without it. Fishery effort has varied temporally, with foreign fishing vessels taking up to 7914 tonnes during the 1970s, and domestic catches much lower increasing from 439 to 1673 tonnes between 1995/1996 and 1997/1998 (AFMA, 2001). However, the number of males in this study was small and may not be representative of the larger population. As stated earlier most of what is known about the sperm whales squid diet has been studied from the contents found inside the sperm whales stomach. It is likely that individuals spend the majority of their time diving between 500 and 800 m (Watkins et al., 1993; Amano and Yoshioka, 2003). Of the total 51 species, 25 accounted for over 92% of numerical abundance.

While some information has been uncovered regarding the diets of these amazing hunters their hunting methods have not been well researched due to the deep dives these whales make when hunting for food. Investigations into the movements of female sperm whales and cephalopod species in this region would provide greater insights into possible reasons for the presence of such species in the diet of female sperm whales.

Cephalopod predators are undoubtedly more efficient at catching these larger size classes and therefore, provide a more accurate assessment of cephalopod size structure (Clarke, 1983). Stomach samples from these animals provided a unique opportunity to compare diet of individuals between and among sperm whale groups and also across a range of age classes. Given the importance of cephalopods in the diet of this species elsewhere, and the predominance of cephalopods in the samples examined here, statistical analyses focused only on this prey group. All species, with the exception of V. infernalis, occur in waters shallower than 500 m, suggesting that at least the sperm whales in this study may spend a large amount of time foraging in depths of less than 500 m. Published dive data for sperm whales to date is sparse due to inherent technical and logistical difficulties associated with tracking individuals.

1996. Hosted by Tuwhera, an initiative of the Auckland University of Technology Library. Santos, M.B

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Due to these limitations, all comparative analyses of prey size were conducted on LRLs or LHLs rather than on estimated DML or wet body mass. McHuron, Elizabeth A. Samples obtained from stranded animals may be subject to a number of biases, such as differential digestion of prey items, retention of hard part remains, lack of representation of temporal variability in prey items, and inability to discern primary from secondarily digested prey. Fish remains were found in 87% and cephalopods in 68% of the sperm whale stomachs in this area, but quantification of dietary input is complicated by differential rates of digestion and variation in the retention of indigestible remains in the stomach. Further information on the diet of sperm whales during other times of the year coupled with information on the distribution and population numbers throughout this region is important in order to understand any potential competition, the distribution of this competition temporally and spatially and the impacts of such competition on both sperm whale and cephalopod populations in this area. Diet/Feeding. Jaquet, Nathalie Johnson, M. P. The results of the ANOSIM reflected the ordination produced by the MDS.

A total of 101 883 cephalopod beaks (52 109 upper beaks, 49 774 lower beaks) were recovered from the 36 animals, representing species from three cephalopod orders, Teuthida, Octopoda, and Vampyromorphida. Read, pers. While researchers haven’t really been able to witness any battles between a sperm whale and colossal squid (which can measure in at over 45 ft and weigh more than 1, 000 pounds) the markings found on the sperm whales head indicate struggles they’ve had while trying to consume this species of squid. Marking programmes around Australia have reported sperm whales of both sexes moving between the eastern Indian Ocean and southwest Pacific, across southern Australia and also between eastern Australia and New Zealand (Brown, 1981). Usage data cannot currently be displayed. The fact that the Sperm Whale can dive so deep helps tremendously when it comes to feeding. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads.

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